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Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: ______
Monday 25 June 2012 | 04:01 | 0 comments
Jump in my hoopty hoopty hoop, I own that And I ain't paying my rent this month, I owe that But f*** who you want, and f*** who you like Dance our life, there's no end in sight Twinkle, twinkle little star.. yeah,ce teka sape yg nyanyi ? :D MESTILLAH nicki minaj =starship famouse tau lgu tuh skunk kalau x taw pegi youtube search skunk hahah best tau ..btw nicki minaj gak social la kan so, jgn sampai terikut-ikot dgn diri dye tuh haha yg penting aku bleh dengar lgu dye ... lets go to the beach each lets ...bla bla haha kan tangan aku da menaip heheh :P luv this really much < 3 <3 fieqa ieqa <3

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